If you know me, you know I like a good algorithm to break things down- whether the purpose is to explain how to build a balanced acrobatic meal, smoothie or snack- there is nothing I like more than a step-by-step process. So when PureWow Family asked me to do a segment on school lunch- I was THRILLED to dissect school lunch into 3 simple food groups. I wish I could say I came up with it myself, but obviously based on the kiddie plate model from my friends at Harvard…
So, here’s the lunch box algorithm – each lunchbox follows a pattern by including one of the following foods: FOOD #1: a whole grain (100% whole wheat or whole grain bread, tortilla, pasta, etc…), FOOD #2: protein food (nut butter, hummus, egg, chicken, tuna…) and FOOD #3: a fruit or vegetable or both (anything easily portable- cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, apple, clementines…)! You will also find some servings of healthy fats (nuts, seeds, plant based oils, etc) throughout. Click on the photo above for more info on any of these food groups.
I worked on the segment with Jillian Quint, Managing Editor at PureWow and brilliant mama of two- AKA my hero. See the full video by clicking the photo:
We rocked out with these lunchboxes above, and shared these recipes below- check out the recipes posted on the PureWow Family site!
Whole Grain Pasta with Pesto, Mozarella, Pine Nuts and Tomato
Let’s be real- these recipes were intended for kids, but will be eaten by all… Let me know what you think about the segment and recipes!
Stay balanced,
**Did you hear? 20% off Initial Virtual Nutrition Counseling for weight loss and more. Use code at checkout: INSTABALANCE.
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